Gov. Ricketts' Christmas Statement


Date: Dec. 24, 2019
Location: Lincoln, NE

Today, Governor Pete Ricketts issued the following statement in observance of Christmas, which is celebrated December 25, 2019.

"The Christmas season is a time for family and friends to come together and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. During our celebrations, let's remember to spread joy, hope, and peace with one another as we strive to exemplify Christ's sacrificial love for us to the people in our lives. We must not forget the true purpose of the holidays, finding fulfillment in giving and not receiving."

"As you gather with your family and loved ones, I encourage everyone to keep in mind the men and women serving our country who are unable to be with their families during this joyful season. We are grateful for their sacrifice and will continue to pray for their safe return home."

"Susanne, the kids, and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. For those who will be traveling this holiday season, please remember to buckle up and drive safely."

The Governor plans to celebrate Christmas with extended family.
